The Devil on the Doorstep [Book #6 in the series]
[in alphabetical order by last name]
Giles Benedict, artist, forger, fugitive conman
Richard Bergen, U.S. Senator [D. IL], Assistant Majority Leader
Gawayne Blessing, White House head butler
Philip Brock, Democratic Congressman from Pennsylvania
Tyler Busby, American billionaire and art collector
Edwina Byington, the president’s personal secretary
Arlo Carsten, ex-NASA project manager
Gabriella “Gabbi” Casale, artist, security officer, U.S. Embassy, Paris
Celsus Crogher, retired Secret Service SAC
Byron DeWitt, Deputy Director of the FBI
Darren Drucker, American billionaire, art collector
Carolyn [McGill] Enquist, first wife of Jim McGill
Lars Enquist, Carolyn’s second husband
Elvie Fisk, daughter of militia leader Harlan Fisk
Harlan Fisk, commander of The First Michigan Militia
Laurent Fortier, French art thief
Cathryn Gorman, Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department
Patricia Darden Grant, President of the United States, wife of Jim McGill
Andrew Hudson Grant (deceased), the president’s first husband
Jeremiah Haskins, Director of the FBI
Sen. Howard Hurlbert, founder of True South Party
Sissy & Emory Jenkins, Putnam Shady’s foster parents
Bahir Ben Kalil, personal physician to the Jordanian ambassador
[SAC] Elspeth Kendry, head of the Presidential Protection Detail
Sheryl Kimbrough, Republican elector from Indiana
Duvessa Kinsale, New York art gallery owner
Donald “Deke” Ky, Jim McGill’s personal bodyguard
Leo Levy, Jim McGill’s personal driver
Charles Louvel, Pruet family employee
Père Louvel, French cleric, brother of Charles Louvel
Craig MacLaren, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Louis Marra, NYPD Detective
Jim McGill, president’s husband, aka The President’s Henchman
Abbie McGill, oldest child of Jim McGill and Carolyn Enquist
Caitie McGill, youngest child of Jim McGill and Carolyn Enquist
Kenny McGill, middle child of Jim McGill and Carolyn Enquist
Tommy Meeker, regional security officer U.S. Embassy, Paris
Bob Merriman, Senator [D, OR]
Roger Michaelson, (formerly Senator D-OR)
Galia Mindel, White House chief of staff
Dikran “Dikki” Missirian, McGill’s business landlord
Jean Morrissey, Vice President of the U.S.
George Mulchrone, retired Catholic priest
David Nathan, Director of the Secret Service
Artemus Nicolaides, White House physician
Stephen Norwood, White House deputy chief of staff
Merilee Parker, former press secretary for Senator Hurlbert
Peter Profitt, Speaker of the House
Augustin Pruet, Yves Pruet’s father
Yves Pruet, French investigating magistrate
Joan Renshaw, director of The AHG Foundation
Osgood Riddick, FBI special agent on art crime team
Odo Sacripant, Yves Pruet’s Corsican bodyguard
Putnam Shady, Sweetie’s husband
Maxine Shady, Putnam’s niece
Margaret “Sweetie” Sweeney, McGill’s business partner
John Wexford, Senate Majority Leader
Ethan Winger, art forgery analyst
Mather Wyman, former VP of the U.S.
Kira Fahey Yates, Welborn Yates’ wife
Captain Welborn Yates, the president’s official investigator